Monday 30 May 2011

Tim Hetherington

I've been thinking about Tim Hetherington for awhile. You may remember he was in the news recently as he was killed whilst in Libya. The Times magazine also featured some his work recently which I was moved as it was so honest and beautiful.

The work I am refering to is Sleeping Soldiers. Hetherington documented these soldiers whilst sleeping when they are most vulnerable and perhaps arguably innocent and defensless. These photographs make up the book Infidel.

"The book Infidel and film Restrepo are about the intimacy of war," explained Hetherington in an interview inThe Independent. "And that's what I see when I see the photographs of these guys sleeping. We are used to seeing soldiers as cardboard cut-outs. We dehumanise them, but war is a very intimate act. All of those soldiers would die for each other. We're not talking about friendship. We're talking about brotherhood.

The film of Sleeping Soldiers can be seen here.

I also watched Diary by Hetherington, which he made after ten years of documenting war as an "attempt to locate myself after ten years of reporting". I found these videos highly moving and haunting. Watching them, I felt fearful and shocked at the brutality of war which is Hetherington does not sugar-coat. Watching these films, I also wondered how he got by in these situations of war as he was a Westerner and begun to wonder about the horrors that he had seen yet was only showing us a edited version. What struck me was his bravery to go out and photograph and film as a way for him to understand the atrocity of war yet still create something beautiful but not in an awful glamourous way.

It's a terrible loss, but not in vain as Hetherington's work shed new light on the truth of war that we cannot take for granted.

And I can only wish for the safety and health of those directly involved in conflicts all over the world.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

You know I enjoy logos

I stumbled upon this little gem on Ffffound. I think it speaks for itself. Actually, let me say something, I thought it was so peculiar that Pepsi started as 'swirley' like Coca Coloa and now it is all refined, light and geometric, sans serif...basically VERY different. And how many changes can one brand go through!

James Taylor is another one....

Seriously, this guy has got it going on at the moment. Of Debut art, his work is really colourful and brilliant but it isn't childish or cliche. Just really nicely sophisticated.

I reckon you will see even more of him...

Hello...bit long- I know. Sorry.

I'm a bit obssessed at the moment...
I don't know what it is, but I keep seeing and saving tears of lovely letterforms. A bit geometric and patterned. I really like the development of the "Sea Smoke". I personally always wonder how you begin to draw things like that and now I know! Mmmmm...

Tuesday 29 March 2011


This Saturday, over 500,000 people went on protest against the cuts that the Con-Dem government is making at the moment in the public sector.

The was a serious array of a amazing, funny and witty placards that were made to highlight the public's anger, frustration and disappointment in the government.

Here are a few which made my cut. If I was able to put them all up, I happily would.

Images were taken by Sean Hick, Emerson Povey, Sarah Honeysett, Tamsin Chapan, Leticia Tootington and Danny Birchall.

Friday 11 March 2011


Only by accident did I discover this. I was looking up work by an art director at Widen+Kennedy.
I'm not really sure how I stumbled on this.

serendipity is a beautiful thing.

This is the funniest thing I have ever read. Just brilliant.

Travel Blog - Mr & Mrs Smith Boutique & Luxury Hotels

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Nice football art- that I can tolerate.

There is only a certain kind of football art/ memorabilia I like/ can tolerate. Like this.

Printed by Blam from Print-Process and designed by Jeff Knowles, Art Director at Research Studios.

I've put up four, but there are plenty other teams.

"Come on ...........!"