Tuesday 23 November 2010

I am in love

I love Mediterranean food and I love Italian food. Part of the reason is the social history of the food. I love the idea of all the mums and dads and aunts and uncles and grandparents in the kitchen starting from scratch, cooking what was available to provide for their families. And just seasonal produce. I also love the regional part of Italian food, that the people in the North do not eat the same as the people in the South and visa versa.

So there is my love of Italian food and I heard about this book ages ago and didn'y make a proper note of it, but then I came across it again and gosh! There's a website too, http://www.geometryofpasta.co.uk/ .

I am so getting this book.

From a design point of view, I think it is quite beautiful. Just the really simple clean aesthetic with one colour graphics. Food books cans often can get really cluttered and as someone who has done a food book,http://bellaswork.blogspot.com/p/all-i-want-is-decent-home-cooked-curry.html, it can be difficult to decide where you are coming from and what you want to say about your food. Also, to illustrate food is something unto itself. Do you always want to completed plates of food?

Nigel Slater's Tender has some beautiful photography. Some of the shots of the ingredients are luxurious. The photographs are so dark and heady but then have areas of rich colour. Nigel is very involved with the art direction of this books.

I would also check out Robert Festino, who I mentioned before.

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